Logging and statistics

As most of our players will know, we keep a log of activity on our Public Server. Few however know how it works, what is being stored and what we do with it. That’s why this blog will explain the basics of our logging functionality and what that means for openttdcoop and its players.

Example of a logfile.

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Famous Games 2009

Hello everybody,
I just checked the Public Server Archive today and recognised we didn’t add any games of 2009 to our Hall of Fame.
If you have any proposals please leave a comment or use the Voting Page.

I hope we can make out the best games in 2009 soon.

OSQC#01 (finally) finished

Dear folks,

some of you may remember the long forgotten #openttdcoop scenario quest competition (osqc). We tried but failed to gather the judgings of more than two people (Mark and myself) on the 8 final submissions to the contest. A far bigger number of people actually played that map back in early 2008, though.

A complete description of the task and the initial map supplied to the participants can be found here. A quick recap is this image

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OpenTTD 0.7.0-beta1 released

According to changeset 15502 the OpenTTD Developers released the first beta version of OpenTTD 0.7.0. When I started playing several years ago I always observed the roadmap page at the OpenTTD Wiki which always stated that a release of 0.7.0 is far, far, far away and will probably never happen. But finally here we are and there are some great new features (despite the general bugfixes, optimizations and minor tweaks) in the box which you definitely should not miss.
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The Feature – spree continues

Just yesterday OpenTTD got another nice feature added to trunk: arbitrary map edges! From todays nightly onwards the map borders no longer need to be water but can be at any height, allowing for a far greater flexibility and also nicer looking maps which especially adds to certain scenarios (like coastal scenarios where you don’t want to have islands…)
arbitrary map edges (in trunk since r15190)

arbitrary map edges (in trunk since r15190)

The game creation dialogue got a new button which allows you to choose the sides which are enforced to be water:game configuration window

game configuration window
This option is only available though, if you allow freeform map edges in the advanced settings (it is found in the construction section). Congratulations to and two thumbs up for OpentTTD’s newest dev, Yexo. Happy gaming to all.