Even or Odd – About Tilelengths

Tilelengths 5 (left) and 4 (right) on diagonal trackWhenever starting a new game, be it local or on #openttdcoop, one important question to be cleared before starting to build the network always is: “What tilelength (TL) are we going to use for our trains?”.
The chosen setting will mostly depend on the size of the map, as you don’t want to have a hundreds train servicing a single coal mine on a 2048*2048 map. However, there is a great difference between using even tilelengths such as 4, 10 or 20 and odd ones like 5 or 11.

The patch setting “When dragging, place signals every: X tiles” should always be set to “2” when playing on #openttdcoop, and most players will also use this setting if playing alone. If dragging signals, you will always have one piece of track with a signal on it followed by one without one and so on.

Now, if trains are jamming up somewhere in the network, for example behind a full station, those trains should block as little space as possible, so that they won’t for example block the mainline.

As you can see in the first screenshot, with signals every 2 tiles, the trains with tilelength 5 (left) fit almost perfectly in between the signals. However, the TL4-trains (right) always have a gap of more than one tile between them and need as much space as the TL5-trains. To fix that, you would have to place additional signals in the gaps, which might look ugly (especiall for straight track, see below) and is a lot of work, as you would have to do it manually.

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SML Shiftback

It has been a while since this idea came in my mind. I experimented to find a better way managing the train flow. The main idea of the SML concept is to shift trains to other tracks if they are free and joining trains use this free track. If the track is not free, the others aren’t either. This works very well but has a disadvantage too: train’s entering a station will primarily enter via the shift-tracks (the innermost).
SML Sketch
That’s the point where “shiftback” comes into play.
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Tutorial – The Canal Trick

I got familiar with the tutorials and the videos I create. Today, I used a trick to create train tracks on sea level with sea around on the Public-Server. Due to requests I created this tutorial showing you how to do it and what you should care of. In my opinion the canals are more decent than a bunch of bridges. They also remind me of Sylt.

The Canal Trick

All you need for this trick is Read the rest of this entry »

The Difference between Diagonal and Straight Tiles

Diagonal TilesI thought it is time for some more tricks and tips when playing OpenTTD. All of us use diagonal tiles when building train tracks. Of course, they are important. But you should know for sure that one diagonal tile has not the same length as a vertical/horizontal tile. This comes into play in a couple of situations.

First of all let’s have a look at the basics.
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Video Tutorial for the Terminus Station

After fiddling around with a lot of video tools I created a first Video Tutorial of the ‘Osai-like’ Terminus Station. Mainly for those who want to follow the whole process in detail and also for those who want to check out the quality of this video. This is my first Video and I didn’t edit it too much. Give me some comments and feedback.

Additionally I created a Video Directory where you can browse and download videos.