Latest Nightly will fix the Issues

We had a lot of trouble with the latest revisions of OpenTTD and our games suffered from de-syncs. In the last three days we did a lot of debugging and gave information to the developers, they finally found the problems which tend to those symptoms. Today they will be gone. It was a hard journey to locate the problem, sometimes it occurred and sometimes it didn’t, depending on OS, CPU architecture and compiler version. In first place it was a compiler issue, but we also thought some memory bits of the Servers RAM might be broken, also 32bit vs. 64bit was a question. I don’t want to do it so detailed. But here is the final rev.
-Fix [YAPF, r10301]: INVALID_TRACKDIR causing buffer overrun leading to desync in MP game (many thanks Rubidium)

A lot of thanks to KUDr and Rubidium for locating and fixing this issue. Lets continue our games now 🙂

Special GRF’s for OTTD?

Because the Czech guys made some special OTTD-versions for their GRF sets (if you know why, please post a comment), we had to update our grf’s an other time today. Please have a look on the GRF wiki page.

Mainserver Game Finished!

We just finished our member game #10. With some 410 trains we achieved to build a distributed yet good-looking network. Have a look at it and get the savegame from our Member Zone Archive!

Some screenshots from the Mainserver

Hello, world!

after having some dull hours on upgrading the wiki we decided to have a smooth evening session on the mainserver. Since a lot of progress took place during the past days I made some screenshots to give you an idea about this scenario.

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Quigley & Co (Mainserver Game) – An end-of-term report

Map OverviewAfter some days of abstinence due to hard training and preparation for championships I joined the Mainserver-Game tonight again.
I really like the way those tracks are shaped into the landscape, as you can see on the screenshot. Therefor I made a photomontage, so you can get an impression of the whole network.

In my opinion it is technically not to difficult: not too much jam risk in a decentralised network and no big mainlines Hubs and everything. Maybe the Terminus Stations will become a problem somewhen. On the other hand you really need to be good in analysing the landscape and create proper tracks without too much landscaping.
What do you guys think?

Actually we are connecting stations and building trains to get some traffic in our network.