Something to prepare for

Two days ago, we switched all of our servers to r5993 because it is one of the first nightlies to provide the well-known and beloved new map generator called “TGP”. This has some impact on our upcoming Coopetition games.

Osai and Mucht won the first two Coopetition games in a row – these games were random 256×256 maps with mountain settings. TGP creates somewhat different terrains. Our Coopetition-Server-Settings will switch to “mountains” and “very rough” from now on. Be careful: the mountains are mostly not as high as those classic ones but the terrain is now way more craggy. You should have some exercising games on the new maps in order to be prepared!

Fading coopetition

Maybe you’ve heard it maybe you haven’t, we should have had a coopetition between The Flying Dutchmen (Ichi and XeryusTC (me)) and the weird german wonder guys (Mucht and Osai). We couldn’t do this coopetition because Ichi was at his parents house and at the afternoon of the coopetition-day he decided to go to his own house again. Ofcourse he was at home again when Mucht was already sleeping. Due to this the coopetition has been extended to this week-end, it could be today, tomorrow or even sunday, but it will be held eventually.

I call everyone to join #coopetition @ OFTC so they can drop their ideas for the ladder at Osai and me. The ladder is getting near completion now and it would be nice to get some user ideas into it.

See you at coop!

“The Circus” is back

screenshot While browsing the wiki file archive I found it, a savegame of our MainserverGame07. I added it as fast as possible to the Member Zone Archive to remove this ugly placeholder text!
Savegame and Screenshot are finally there! If you remember any more information about this game, comment ’em!

If anyone in here wondered…

why TrueLight has been a honorary member at #openttdcoop since quite a long time – here’s an example. Highlighted, bug explained, fixed. Respect, Mr. TrueLight!

TGP, its advantages and one good thing to know about

Since TGP was merged into the trunk, OTTD-maps started to look really good. “Perlin Noise” is the name behind the function which generates this real-world-like maps we all like. The good news for you: #openttdcoop uses TGP since we switched to Nightly r5993.

The bad news for #openttdcoop: it was quite hard to understand why TGP didn’t accept our settings. Usually, for a dedicated server, you edit your openttd.cfg. You may select a TGP-seed in the variable “generation_seed =“. The thing about Linux and OTTD-Dedicated: this seed will not be used by the server! Instead, it always takes the same seed which represents 2^32. For dedicated servers on other system it should work though.

After some three hours of nuisance and despairness we gladly got help by Rubidium. He also gave us a clou for a workaround: just start the server and make a newgame via console (command: newgame).