The first month of happy bloggings

I know how you feel about it – we all fell in love with this blog. One month passed by since we relaunched it. Now it’s time to make a quick review.

As you may have noticed, we switched from 2-columns to 3-columns today. This should ease up the overview and navigation. The whole style should be perfectly integrated with the wiki by now. Great work has been done by Osai.

Some statistics:
By now, we almost reached some 20.000 hits with more than 6500 users. During the past days it has shown that over 300 users visit our blog day by day – we never expected this blog to become that successful! Most referrences come from – make a guess – the tt-forums, of course. The browser statistics show some 8.200 hits with Firefox, followed by some 1900 Internet Explorer 6-hits and some 1850 hits by Apple’s Safari Browser.

One month of existence is a great point to thank all of those people involved: first of all, Brianetta, our host. Second, Osai, for his php-skills and administration abilities. Third, all of the bloggers, like Jinx, XeryusTC and JohnK. Last but not least we want to thank our visitors for their interest in #openttdcoop, Coopetition and OTTD!

Blog – offline last night – but now, better than before

YezZz :/
Last night the blog was offline. Somewhen in the night I started to code a new feature for our Serverinfobox! A little information how long we already play on a map! And yay, I was getting more and more tired and stopped coding it! Going to bed and accidentally saving the wrong version of a file called sidebar.php :-/
This created and error and the blog was not available!
But now I come with a brand new and neat feature showing the time we already play a map!
Check it out in real-time, easily scroll over the links for Mainserver/Sandbox and a title comes up with IP-Address and played time.


A week full of discussions and developments

Another week is gone, another report for our yearbook is going to arise. This week, #openttdcoop was under the sign of development. You may have noticed tons of new articles on our wiki. Most articles were dedicated to the idea of Coopetition. You may have a look here to see the broad variety of proposals. To highlight one of the best proposals: in the head-to-head Coopetition a map is “mirrored” and each team plays on one side – so on exactly the same map as the other. Its basically the same game like the “classic” Coopetition but without interference by your opponent. Also, its nice to watch and to compare two different approaches on the same map.

Our ongoing brainstorm on the Coopetition concluded in a lot of PHP-code which has to be written. Osai and XeryusTC are the main developers to do this. We are glad about all your responses, comments, interests and blogviews 😉 . The ladder-system itself may take another two weeks but it will be an expandable system which means: a lot of ideas may be implemented not yet but in the future – if the idea itself is good enough. Therefore all of you are very welcome to write comments on the dedicated wiki-pages or even start a new page in this category. Great news from the official side of OTTD: Coopetition receive an own branch on! Furthermore, we were supported Coopetition with a quick server-side-patch to alter several settings. The patch itself can be found here. Thx again to Truelight for his ideas and tons of contributed work!

OTTD itself received a lot of development work this week. The probably greatest piece of work was the TGP merged to the trunk. Also, it is now possible to have a year higher than 2090 (great work, Rubidium). We therefore upgraded to newer nightly versions of OTTD. Unfortunately some smaller bugs caused us to revert our versions twice. We are lucky to have Truelight as a honorary member of #openttdcoop, look here and here for further details on some great moments of bugtracking and fixing. By now, we remain at revision 6176. You may have noticed the new box on the top-left side of this blog where you can read the current status and versions of our servers.

Our IRC received another upgrade by – guess who – right! Truelight! He donated a bot called “_42_” which is our calculator, statistic, translator and much more! You have an overview over its features on our wiki. This great needless stuff is what we searched for a long time 😉

And last but not least some great news on our memberbase itself: after a lot of gaming with a lot of great junctions and stations we decided that Ammler is more than ready to become our next member! Congratulations again to Switzerland! Some days after, Jinx was invited to become our next aspirant. It was a really tough decission since there is a lot of activity on our Sandbox recently and there are more than a lot of valuable players around!

So that’s it for this time. We look forward to see all of you again in the next week!

A bugfixing Journey

…probably I am the only one using the builds for Mac OS X, but since some days I had massive desync problems and at the latest version of our Mainserver (r6148), I wasn’t able to play at all.
Today, TrueLight and I, searched for the cause of this heavy problem. We spent several hours in compiling versions and testing them, to find out where this error exactly occured. Again and again we checked kinds of versions to get an interval where the error could be!
Finally, TrueLight dedicated the bug in r6052, fixed it and now everything is working again!!

Due to my hard work, named at this revsion 😀
I am happy to be back at the servers again 😉

Current Sandbox game

Since the full members of #openttdcoop like me so much… they made me an aspirant to do all the dirty work! so here goes :p

Current sandbox game is a standard 512×512 map but this time it was generated by the lovely TGP. That in combination with low terraforming means alot of fun trying to make things and failing horribly! 🙂

We made a very simple square ML in the center, with 4 BBHs in each direction (north, east, south, west) with 2 SLHs for each BBH. At the end of each SLH is a Central Station (CS). Yup, we’re doing a CS/SBahn game!

Alot of things have to kept in mind here, most importantly: can your SBahn and CS combination handle all the trafic? Its not as straight forward as it seems!

First there are you SBahns. Some chose 3 tile trains, some chose 4 tile. I personally went with 3 tile. The tricky part here is to have everything go smoothly as your towns grow and more passengers end up at your SBahn stations. I went for a 2 way circular SBahn around the lake. The mistakes i made:

  1. I used a terminus for some SBahn/town stations. They’re fine for low trafic but once you get a couple more trains on it, it jams. Because every train needs to go over the same signal block.
  2. I used a 2/3 platform station, accessible from both sides with pre-signals. Again, fine for low trafic but on heavy trafic situations. For example: A train wants to enter the station, the presignal is green but as soon as it passes that another train from the other side enters the station. Result: 1st train gets stuck. Trains that are inside the station cant leave in that direction etc. Eventually everything got gridlocked. Solution: i made two 1-way roros. they might cue up but it wont gridlock anymore
  3. The importance of breaking tiles. With SBahns you have the tendency to reduce everything in size to make it as small as possible. You can do that with alot of things like curves etc. but DO keep your breaking tiles! its the difference between a station that jams and one that runs smoothly. 1 tile for each platform makes a huge difference for ‘smoothness’

Problem with big growth is that SBahn cant keep up. This isnt visible on the picture below but the town just east of this screenshot is pretty big. I connected six 3-tile ICEs to this station on top of the standard 10 orso handling the whole ring, which ended up beeing a 5 platform station to handle the extra trafic.

And then there are the ICE Central stations. You would not expect this but for every 2-2.5 SBahn trains arriving at the CS, you need 1 ICE to take the passengers away. With a proper SBahn and enough town to produce passengers, this is insane! A station apparently has a 4095 limit. My station was usually 3000+ usually close to 4000.

The only way this CS can be emptied is when about 8 to 9 ICEs arrive one after the other. Just enough to use the extra capacity to the west. This CS was emptied just once to my knowledge. Even though the extra capacity gets used frequently. I keep making trains but they cant keep up with my growing towns & SBahns.

You’ve all waited for it, after reading all this jumble… the screenshot! (thanks Osai :)) Jinx area

PS.: the SBahn drop station is a miniature version of the popular entry/exits used for big drops normally. Since SBahn speed is of less importance but taking less room IS important, it works 🙂