Information about OSQC

The first osqc is, besides some minor issues, a great success. I am really impressed. A lot of the problems were answered directly by me and others were discussed in the according tt-forums thread.
Already 23 players signed up for the first scenario. If you have finished your scenario and created the final solution you probably want to submit it. I didn’t create the submit form yet *shame on me*. Instead I started coding a complete interface for #osqc. Which is quite complex and includes all the features we need. I.e. a judging area, trouble tickets for your questions about the scenario, the ratings and much more.

Please be patient, it is quite a lot to do. If you feel able to help us and speed up the development, contact us.
In the meantime you have to send your scenario via e-mail to Please use the e-mail address you signed up with and add your username + code to the subject of the e-mail. It makes it easier to analyse the mails.

I am also thinking about the judging procedure. My last idea was:
5 Judges: , <2 Coop Members> & <2 coop suspects or volunteers>. Read more about that at the osqc:Talk page

Idea: ‘Coop’ GRF’s

Hey guys, I was just tapping my fingers and thinking about how awesome eyecandy is in OTTD, when I had an origional(ish) thought. Wouldnt it be cool if we had a couple of GRF’s made by coop for coop? I know that alot of our members make GRF’s so we should have an awesome talent base. Mabye we could start with a HQ graphic GRF. It always bores me that basically by the time we have finished our MM we already have the highest level HQ, so I was thinking we should add more, but with a coop touch. I thought it’d be awesome if we had some _huge_ skyscraper as the highest level HQ (I mean, 5 stories tall is hardly going to put a mark on the map). The coop touch: On the roof, or on a sign on the side of the building, we should have a huge label “COOP” or something like that (depending on what’ll fit >_<; ).

I’d really like to see about four or five new HQ’s added, each requiring a company value of several millions before they appear. So our HQ is upgrading constantly during our games ^__^

But yeah, I have exactly zero experience with making GRF’s but I have four months of holidays and i’d really like to contribute something to the Coop experience. If a couple of people want to join in and make a project like this, plus would be willing to teach me, I think we could pump out a couple of coop unique GRF’s, and really get our name out there 🙂

(Yes, I do know there is a Big HQ GRF, but we dont usually play with it and it is only small compared to what I’d like to see ^_^)

If you have any ideas, comments, suggestions, rants, or general feelings about my awesomeness (joke), please comment here, or if you want to contact directly, send me an email at mlawrenceofarabia at hotmail dot com

Thanks for reading.