#openttdcoop head-to-head championship – 2nd try

Sadly the competition run yesterday had to be aborted due to technical difficulties which should hopefully be fixed now, new binaries will be provided. A fresh new start will take place Friday night at 20h CEST. Given the discussion yesterday which accompanied the tournament we decided to limit the time for the competition to one evening only. My proposal is 2.5 hours (ten game years), but the actual length is open to negotiation up to immediately prior to the start of the game. Again 15 company-slots will be available 🙂 Unlike the last time, the server will be located in a different IRC channel: #coopetition.

One change in the rules applies of course: it is not and never was our policy to select members via a competition 🙂 – showing reasonably good building skills is only one criterion among others. 🙂 Holding a competition in order to grant the winner membership was the April fools day part of the posting.

I hope you’ll join this competition despite as it’s IMO a nice competitive way which allows to compare different solutions 🙂 So let’s set out and enjoy this new way to play tomorrow!

#openttdcoop prospective membership competition

Dear coopers,

we’re proud to announce the first #openttdcoop prospective membership competition which offers a fast-track to the membership. “Battleground” is on our dev server, using Yexo’s head-to-head patch which allows up to 15 players to compete on exactly the same map under the same circumstances. Join us on #member-competition where the server will be based. Connection details are available there upon request, too (we need to keep track who joins – we at least need to know who competes, if we want to grant membership 😛 )

The game will start today at 20h CEST and run until Friday night, 20h CEST when judgment is held. Winner is the person with the best performing company (judging by company value). Join in the fight now – see you on #member-competition !

Coopetition PZ game

Today we were brainstorming on the PZ server for a new game. It finally brought us to a coopetition game. So Ammler + Yexo and Mark + myself teamed up to join a game of 8 years.

Are of heavy competition for goods.

In this area was a real competition going on between both teams for the goods created by the factory and saw mill.

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New member for #openttdcoop: ODM

As of now #openttdcoop greets a new member in its ranks: ODM. He’s been around for quite some time now and showed as a friendly and helpful person with a cheerish mood 🙂
new member
Helping with the wiki, adding new content on building concepts is a nice contribution to the community and designing new game creations for the PS convinced us that it’s far easier on us, if he could just as well load those things onto the server himself 🙂 So a warm welcome from all of us from #openttdcoop and may you continue to enjoy this community as we enjoy your participation in and contribution to it 🙂

OpenTTD 0.7.0-beta1 released

According to changeset 15502 the OpenTTD Developers released the first beta version of OpenTTD 0.7.0. When I started playing several years ago I always observed the roadmap page at the OpenTTD Wiki which always stated that a release of 0.7.0 is far, far, far away and will probably never happen. But finally here we are and there are some great new features (despite the general bugfixes, optimizations and minor tweaks) in the box which you definitely should not miss.
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