New member: LoPo

Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to announce that our circle has grown once again by another crazed soul.
A person who has been here for quite some while, somebody who has always been a friend to us all and helping anybody who would need it. With his attitude to learning “Didn’t work this time, let’s do it next time better because this, this and that” , he managed to learn exceptionally quickly, not to mention that his constructions already managed to blow up a handful of brains. As learning how to build something is never the only weapon in the arsenal of a skilled builder, also experimenting and trying various new designs is bread and butter for him, especially shining in games which involve logic – but not only there!
With will to not only create new and better networks in the games, but also care about the documentation on our wiki or blog, we hope to make our world even bigger and more awesome! (along with hoping we aren’t going to turn into a complete nuthouse)
With great cheer, please welcome the new member of #openttdcoop, LoPo!

3 comments so far

  1. LoPo July 8, 2012 20:21

    Omg! It’s about me?!


  2. V453000 July 8, 2012 21:16

    No, nobody would dare to write about you. 😛

  3. Roysvork July 9, 2012 18:23

    Congrats dude! (yup, Roysvork still lurks!)

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