PSG #131 review & new game

Yesterday, the #openttdcoop community finished its 131st game on the Publicserver. This game, played in the sub-tropical climate, had as goal to supply as much water and food to the city of Alcala at the western part of the map. As a further boundary condition, any food processing plants had to be built in a little area in the east. After a long voting stage and some downtime because of the server move, Strstrep’s Desynchronized Express Agricultural Transportation Hierarchy, or D.E.A.T.H for short, won from Narc’s plan on a 1-on-1 voting. The winning plan featured four different loops, with three different train lengths and was described as “over-complicated”.


When voting was over, building started and with the help of alot of hands, the mainlines were quicky built. As this game did not have any Backbone Hubs and only 4 major stations, most work went into laying track and building the Sideline Hubs. After that it was time to connect all the Fruit Plantations, Farms and Water Supplies. As the game progressed, primary production went up and more primaries were prospected. The mainlines became busier and eventually both raw loops got another line to allow for the ever increasing number of trains. A special mention of construction goes to De_Ghosty and Mark for building the mad Service Center and the mad train compressor respectively, both of which will immediately dazzle anyone who looks at it.


At the end of the game, there were a 10-track wide main line, a city with 105.000 inhabitants, a food processing plant producing 22.000 tonnes of food per month and a network with 236 water-, 940 fruit-, 645 maize- and 71 TL24 food-trains.

The archive entry of this game can be found here.

New Game

Where one game ends, another one starts. The new game on the Publicserver is an old scenario by Combuster, featuring a striking islandworld. Key in this scenario is connecting all the islands by passenger service without disturbing the environment too much. With the Japan railset active the scenario looks a bit like the real Japan, with high-speed trains, lots of water and lots of islands. Feel free to come join us and build along.

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