Focus on Osais-All-In-One-Station

station overviewstation entrancefinal joinerAfter more than a week of abstinence caused by the reparation of my PC I want to give you some details about the Grand Southern Station of the Public Server Game #44. The Station handles 343 trains*, because all primary tier and secondary tier trains go through one big station area and use it to unload. The unloading consists of 34 platforms separated into 3 major areas (2x 12 platforms; 1x 5+5 platforms), because we have 3-track mainline. To ensure a high flexibility all incoming tracks can access all areas (orange: 1, 2 & 3). We used the Shift Mainlines Concept in this network and therefor I gave some penalties to some intersections of major areas, otherwise they would’ve been jammed very fast. In fact, I had to balance the SML-like traffic.
After the unloading platforms, I had to split primary and secondary tier trains. Primary trains just go back to their stations, but i.e. empty goods trains should load directly goods afterwards and transport them to the northern station (the secondary tier trains are never empty idea).
Finally I mixed all trains again and joined them again to a 3-track-mainline. The final joiner is a very compact 9>3 joiner. It misses some flexibility, but the practise showed it works very well and fluid. XeryusTC added some priority lines which smoothes the train traffic.
It took me almost the whole game to build, balance and optimise this station.
So here is my little warning:

Don’t try this at home 🙂

* the number of trains is quite relative depending on the type of map and size
in this case ~65 trains entered the station per month

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