Success of our newgrf Package + Tram Package

I just checked the stats of May and all I can say is “wow”.
The openttdcoop newgrf package was downloaded 755 times producing 4,61 GB of traffic. Thats awesome.
We did a vote which package type you prefer some time ago and theoretically 7-zip was the most popular. Practically zip was downloaded 284 times, followed by the rar file with 271 downloads. 7-zip is way behind with only 145 downloads.

Ammler created a Tram Package a while ago, since we have trams in OpenTTD. Please download it if you want to play the next PublicServer game (#43), which starts in some minutes.
The tram package will be merged to the the newgrf package when we will release v5. But Ammler is on vacation right now, so we have to wait.

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