The NewGrf-Package – Voting and Information

Hello Community,
you might have noticed the steady progress of creating the fourth version of our New-Grf Package. The new pack will have a folder structure which is supported since OpenTTD 0.5.1. A liceneses are included and the package will be a full-legal one.

Please check the latest voting, I wan’t to know how your ambitions about the package type are. Do you wan’t to stick to zip again, which is almost 9MB big or do you use newer archive types like 7-zip which can shrink file size to 5,7MB? Post your thoughts and ideas as comments to this post, if you have any, or just vote silently.

If you are an author of a GRF which is included in our pack, please use the Forum to contact us. I.e. when you want to have your package being included or you have any kind of proposal, problem, critic or whatever. Actually I don’t see any reason for __not__ including a grf. It’ll be published to a lot of players, a lot of players will use it and we provide the hosting and server stuff. Isn’t that great?

For more information check the Wiki category

8 comments so far

  1. MooUK April 26, 2007 00:41

    Anything but rar. However, I recommend staying with zip for maximum ease and compatibility. One could make both rar and zip available.

  2. Alanin April 26, 2007 06:10

    i would like to see the package in a zip file, pls

  3. Dikuj April 26, 2007 10:01

    I think there should be both versions, since i dont know how to handle 7zip packages.
    It would be easier for the user if he can load the pack he can use.

  4. eJoJ April 26, 2007 15:30

    My vote goes for 7zip, good compression, free, applications aviable for every OS I know of

  5. Mucht April 26, 2007 15:32

    7zip is indeed very uncommon. I guess most people don’t have an idea how to deal with that…

  6. valhallasw April 27, 2007 07:50

    Try fiddling with the compression options of zip; when using max compression you should be able to shrink the files some further. IMO zip is best to use for compatibility reasons.

  7. Osai April 27, 2007 12:36

    I fiddled around with zip a bit and I was not able to make it smaller 🙁
    Anyway a lot of people and OSs are way more familiar with zip than with 7zip IMHO

  8. davil April 29, 2007 14:23

    I think 2 packages with zip and 7z would be fine. The zip files usually become a little smaller when you create them using 7-zip.

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