ProZone Game 13: Timed (aka insane) SML

As some of you might have already noticed, another PZ game has been finished. This time we focused on trying out the timed SML(below as t-SML) concept, and with it we experienced numerous interesting things. In this article I will attempt to show how was the t-SML developed from it’s very beginnings, how it works […]

Building 101: double bridges and you

Introduction From the very start that you start building networks in OpenTTD you’ll need to have different tracks crossing each other. When you just start out this will be done by just simple level crossings which aren’t very efficient (except when using YAPP/PBS), later on you will start using bridges and tunnels to do this […]

Advanced Building Revue 06: Hubs

The fun, the creativity, the high league, the madness, the spaghetti, the mess, the weirdness, the braindisruptors. What else is so typical for our superior gaming style? Building hubs. In this article I am going to go into hub logics and techniques, examining some possibilities how a hub can be made. This article should help […]

Advanced Building Revue 05: Sbahns and city networks

Sbahns. We don’t use them in every pax game and even pax games aren’t all that often. So creating a Sbahn doesn’t get that much attention, or that much experience from us. On the other hand, creating a good Sbahn is a very responsible task because mostly the rebuilds and corrections of a Sbahn require […]

Advanced Building Revue 04: Overflows

In general, we don’t use overflows all that often. In this article I would like to note why to use them, why not to, and of course – I will present some overflows I came up with.