Congratulations Mucht and Osai

So we had our first Coopetition tonight, Mucht and Osai versus Ammler and me, and we lost. Congratulations Mucht and Osai! I think we could say that Mucht and Osai won with a clear distance, they won with about a profit of about 2 million every year then ours.
It was really fun to have some competition again, it has been a long time since I had some.

There are some things that could be improved about coopetition:

  • Station spread should be lower (we had a big discussion about this ingame)
  • We should be notified of a start (I missed the first few months)
  • Winners should be declared on more points then only the train profit. We could use use the average rating too for instance.
  • Better names for companies :P.

Coopetition – the first leg!

Many #openttdcoop’ers know it already: we have a whole new idea of gameplay ready to start off! This thing is called Coopetition and it’s ment to bringt Cooperation and Competition together into one gameplay. Teams of two players are playing against other competitors in order to achieve the highest train income within two hours (8 years of gameplay).

Some players already teamed up! Read the rules and enlist at #openttdcoop with your team! Join our channel and report in!

The first Coopetition will start on Saturday, August 5th, 16.00 CEST (Berlin)

  • 1st Team so far: Osai & Mucht (The Austro-German-Wonder-Team)
  • 2nd Team: Challenge them in our IRC-Channel!