Copyright and licenses: permission to … what actually?


From time to time licenses and copyright are discussed again when it comes to find a license for some collaborative work, in the (O)TTD(P) domain mostly when it comes to NewGRFs.

The idea for this article was born back when there was the big discussion about the future license of OpenGFX. At that time there wasn’t even the now well-established online content service of OpenTTD, BaNaNaS, nor was there the DevZone.

In that time (late 2008) we, mostly dihedral and myself, tried to come up with a NewGRF collection which can be freely distributed. The #openttdcoop grfpack is similar to this, so is BaNaNaS now – though both in principle only require that they themselves may distribute the NewGRFs they offer. Thus the right to re-distribute a NewGRF found on BaNaNaS or in the #openttdcoop grfpack is not automatically granted. We contacted many NewGRF authors and asked them to attach a free license to their NewGRFs (most didn’t have any license back then).
Though the initial motivation, ease to extend the #openttdcoop grfpack, is now obsoleted by BaNaNaS in a convenient way, all the arguments exchanged back then remain valid. We read a lot of licenses and had a lot of license discussions with various people. Further, even though copyright is a tedious and boring topic for most people (including myself), copyright and license issues don’t and didn’t get better or easier during the last years.
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Advanced Building Revue 10: Invisible Hubs

This time I am going to show a technique of building hubs called “Invisible Hubs”. Their name comes from the fact that one part of the hub is basically all hidden under bridges or in tunnels. An introduction to yet another interesting technique how to build hubs, particularly regarding SLHs. You might have already noticed one such hub as SLH03 in psg204. Due to various reasons, those hubs are rather situational because of dependencies not only on space and composition, but also high dependence on trains. Read further for details…


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New Member: mfb

The openttdcoop team would like to welcome our newest member, mfb.

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New member: Sylf

Yet again, an another person has been found worthy for our inner circles. Everybody say hello to our new member, Sylf!

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Advanced Building Revue 09: Self Regulating Stations

It has been quite a while since Mark introduced the SRNW and since then, we have tried quite a few self regulating stations and networks. The main point of this article is in showing the station designs that we already used in the past, and uncover the reasons why such a construction as a transfer station is so key for progress with self-regulation. And in the end of the article, we will also look how such a station is built.

SRNW Stations

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