Server Changes

As one of the sysadmins of #openttdcoop alot of work happens for me on the background. Most changes go unnoticed, some cause minor breakdowns (sorry ;)) but alot of changes you don’t see. The changes that mostly did go unnoticed were changes to our mail infrastructure, database updates, backup procedures. And that’s just a few.

Today one of the changes that you will see is a change to our paste service. The paste service as it currently is has changed. We have switched to a new backend which was needed. The old pastes are NOT deleted. They can still be reached at However do keep in mind that this will go offline at some point and we strongly advice against creating new pastes there.

Our new backend is currently live at In this case we are using sticky-notes as a backend. This gives you more privacy and options compared to the old paste. We do hope the new features help everyone out even us as admins in maintaining it all.

Another change that already is active (and you might not always notice) is a replacement we did for our bundles server. This had to happen at some point. And today it is done. This change won’t have much of an impact. But we hope to improve response times with this new server.

These are just a few of the changes you’re going to see. More will follow at some point but this is just a start 😉

Should you have any questions join in on IRC (#openttdcoop @ OFTC or through