Advanced Building Revue 13: Self Regulating Stations II

Self-regulating Stations are one of the most insteresting stations known throughout OTTD. The purpose and design of such station may differ, but in general they make sure the self-regulating trains get fully loaded. This article will address the constructions and designs of Self-regulating stations, their limitations, and how this might be improved by building Asynchronous Self-regulating Stations – some preliminary concepts of Asynchronous Self-regulating stations will illuminate this topic, as well. Additionally, some of the newer Self-regulating Transfer stations are also included, as these stations act very similar to asynchronous stations. Here, some different designs will be shown, how is dealt with different features and the noteworthy exeptionalities.

If you are unfamiliar with Self-Regulating Networks (SRNW), then I advise to read Wiki – SRNW & ABR:09 – Self-regulating Stations I, prior to this article.


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NUTS Unrealistic Train Set Wiki

Hello! With great pleasure I would like to announce that NUTS has gotten version 0.4.3 alongside of which there is a new, shorter, readme. To support the removed information from the readme, there has been created a wiki on the devzone, trying to cover the usage of NUTS Unrealistic Train Set as thoroughly as possible. This is the first version, but it already covers a lot more than the original readme did, and it will hopefully only get better in the future.
With this I would like to invite everyone interested in the mechanics of NUTS to the devzone for a read. 🙂
A part of the new presentation also is this engine table, presenting the general flow of a NUTS game, including introduction years and the highlighted choice of 22 engines by the end of the game.

-> NUTS Unrealistic Train Set Wiki <-

NUTS Engine Table