Happy Birthday, OpenGFX!

As of today OpenGFX celebrates its first birthday.

For a year now, OpenGFX is available from TT-forums or a publicly accessible repository at the #openttdcoop DevZone. It made progress from an early alpha version with quite a bit of missing sprites to version 0.1.1 as of today. Even more bleeding edge nightlies are produced every day at 18:18h CE(S)T and found on the download page of the DevZone.
OpenGFX tropical landscape

Still, even though a long way was covered in the last twelve months, a bit of the road to go remains and contributors are warmly welcome. OpenGFX offers you the chance to become one of the artists whose work will be used and seen by (nearly) every person playing OpenTTD.

Currently we’re looking for sprites resembling the African manager faces. Having that will allow to play OpenTTD with a full set of graphics in all climates but toyland. Toyland, sadly, is still in need of a few more sprites, even though it is much nicer (IMO) in OpenGFX than it is with the original graphics. It still looks for one or more artists willing to take on a few industries.
OpenGFX toyland scenery

Visit the projects site on the DevZone in order to see the current developments, status and the needs in detail. A list of needed sprites is also available. Let’s get the baby grow up 🙂

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