Happy Birthday, OpenGFX!

As of today OpenGFX celebrates its first birthday.

For a year now, OpenGFX is available from TT-forums or a publicly accessible repository at the #openttdcoop DevZone. It made progress from an early alpha version with quite a bit of missing sprites to version 0.1.1 as of today. Even more bleeding edge nightlies are produced every day at 18:18h CE(S)T and found on the download page of the DevZone.
OpenGFX tropical landscape

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Joining, merging, balancing, chosing…

…All comes down to the same thing. There is a lot of confusion regarding these terms and they are ofter misunderstood or mis-interpreted. It basically comes down to this: whenever a track (be it a ML/SL/Station Branch) joins the ML, you want trains on the joining track to be able to join every ML. In the following article I will try to explain why this is so important to the network and I’ll also try to clear out some on the misunderstandings about the concept.

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