New member for #openttdcoop: ^Spike^

Once again we welcome, albeit a little late due to technical difficulties, a new member in our ranks: ^Spike^.
new member

He’s been with us for a while now, showing solid building mixed with creative solutions. Out of the game he is a cheerful, social guy with an interest in Computer Science, proving useful on both the technical, as well as the human side of things. During his lengthy visits he can also be found helping people in-game, as well as on IRC. ^Spike^, we welcome you to the group and hope you’ll be a nice addition to #openttdcoop.

New versions of OpenGFX and OpenSFX

Hello folks,

as of today a new version of the free graphics base set OpenGFX (0.1.0-alpha6) and a first version of the free sound base set OpenSFX (0.1.0-alpha1) have been released and are available from bananas or the #openttdcoop devzone.
tropical OpenGFX scene

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