#openttdcoop newGRF Package 7.3 released

A lot of effort has been put into it by especially Ammler and Planetmaker and we’re proud to announce a new release of the OpenTTD Coop GRF Pack. Version 7.3 has a lot of updates and additional GRF’s that have become available since the previous release.

Showing the new heavy Equipment truck
Heavy Equipment Set in action.

You can read about all changes at this page. The pack is downwards compatible, so previous saved OpenTTD Coop games can still be played if you install the latest GRF pack.

Go get your copy of the pack now!

Big Christmas present from OpenTTD

Hello folks,

just yesterday I’ve been browsing through the change logs of OpenTTD and stumbled over some remarkable changes Rubidium commited just then. The network code underwent heavy changes – and now a game may have up to 255 clients!

(svn r14730) -Codechange: remove the need for networkclientsockets and networkclientinfo structs to be in a contiguous piece of memory and put them in a pool.
-Note: 255 should really be enough for now… making it any more means network protocol bumps.

and another commit just today:

(svn r14735) -Codechange: remove a bit of bit-waste in the map array (without changing the map array) and make the CompanyIDs contiguous.
-Note: 15 should be enough for now… making it any more means adding more bytes to the map array and thus wasting more bits instead of reducing the bit waste.

which allows now up to 15 companies instead of the usual eight 🙂 .

With the next available nightly our servers will, of course, feature as many clients – and we’ll no longer have the problem that the server might be too full when starting a new game 🙂

A big thanks from #openttdcoop to all devs of OpenTTD for the great work.
merry Christmas

The magic of SRNW (Self-Regulating Networks)

As you might have seen a guide about self-regulating SBahn was recently added to our Wiki. As #openttdcoop thinks large, we took it a step further and created a complete Self-Regulating Network (SRNW) in our current PublicServerGame (#121). You should definitely check the guide first, to get a better idea of what this article is about.
Though the key points stay the same and I’ll explain them to give you an overview how the network works.
Self-Regulating Network Teaser

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#openttdcoop.association – Christmas Assembly coming!

Dear fellow ‘coopers,

the association has set a date for the upcoming general assembly – it will take place on December 18th, 21.00 CET.

Every member of the association is invited to take part – contact me for requests regarding the agenda!

Have a nice time until then,