Yesterday the first ‘World Wide OpenTTD Game Day’ took place. In the last weeks a lot of persons (especially dihedral, Ammler, Phazorx, TrueBrain) did an immense work to prepare a really special version of OpenTTD which can cope with the needs for such a day. This custom build includes:
- A server side patch for 55 players, but eight companies though
- Shared Tracks and stations with the first company
- An admin patch to move players to a company
- Joining players always start as spectators
- Eyecandy: snow in temperate climate
- #openttdcoop grf package v6beta to provide variety for stations etc.
- Changed prices (very expensive) for landscaping, tunnels and bridges
- A lot of technical fixes, i.e. removed trees to reduce the file size of the map.
- Toll booth GRF to show the different area’s of the map
The source and binaries are provided by the official OpenTTD-Developers. Or if you are keen with unix and svn:
svn revert -R . && svn update -r11344 && ./configure –revision=r11344-wwottdgd && ( curl | patch -p0 ) && make
Those specs sound really auspicious and in my opinion the day was a success, worth to repeat it soon.
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