Patch: Train Collision Cache

stillunknown created an awesome patch which reduces the CPU usage quite a bit. The idea is to reduce the train collision checks with a sort of cache instead of a an on-going loop (details @ tt-forums).
Tonight we did some tests how this patch affects the game and it is quite impressing. I don’t want to say this is was a real performance test, but we checked the CPU load with a patched and an unpatched version of OpenTTD (r10048). My local machine was used as the server (PPC G5 2GHz) and as references we used Public Server Game #09 and Game #34.

The Results (vary with network layout, amount of trains and so on):
cpu usage in percent
Game#34: w/o patch: ~45%; patched: ~40% (~700 trains)
Game#09: w/o patch: ~67%; patched: ~50% (~1300 trains)

Especially games with a big mainline loop profit from this great patch.

3 comments so far

  1. Phazorx June 8, 2007 04:36

    Did some tests on XP with w32 port builds 10048 and 10048M (build provided by Xeryus) And here are the load decrease from original to patched –

    Game#34: ~30-40% to ~12-20% (~700 trains)
    Express vs Local: 100% to ~50% (~600 trains)
    Game#09: 100% to ~50% (~1400 trains)

    Game#34: ~15% to 10-12%
    E vs L: ~55 to ~25-30%
    Game#09: ~70 to ~25%

    Differences between these games arefollowing. #34 is a game with high number of train / medium amount of tracks, E vs L – high trains / high tracks, #09 ultra high trains / high tracks. Basicaly, benefit increases with amount of trains AND size of network/amount of junctions.

    Well done stillunknown!

  2. Zojj June 8, 2007 17:58

    I made a performance meter that displays game ticks / second.

    Local copy:
    Without cache: 43.4 ticks/second
    With cache: 71.4 ticks/second
    Difference: 64.5% faster

  3. Phazorx June 12, 2007 05:36

    Did some testing with another patch (hash optimization) and here are results:

    10048 ~70%
    10048 + stillunknown’s patch ~25%
    10104 + peter’s patch ~15%

    Game#34: ~15% to 10-12%
    10048 ~15%
    10048 + stillunknown’s patch 10-12%
    10104 + peter’s patch ~5%

    E vs L:
    10048 ~55%
    10048 + stillunknown’s patch 25-30%
    10104 + peter’s patch ~4%

    must say – I like new numbers very much

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