First Shinkansen running on the Sandbox

A SLH, looks great with Tonight we started Sandbox Game #30, with the JapanSet and several other smooth newgrf-updates.
In my opinion it is looking awesome, even though we have some gfx glitches with diagonal tracks and some other newgrf’s are not compatible with the tracktype of Shinkansen and show the standard MagLev graphics.
To get an impression of the landscape I made this screenshot of SLH2 which fits perfectly in the landscape… great and real eyecandy. Something I recognised though, the new trees (famous as SAC’s Stolentrees) are bigger than the originals and sometimes trains are hidden behinde them completely. If you have problems while building use the very-well-known shortcut “X” to make buildings invisible and activate the patch-option “Invisible Trees” (Interface) to hide them as well.
A lot of other newgrfs are still in development and I hope we can include them in our package somewhen too.

The first Central StationThe first Central Station in our game. A new Shinkansen of Series 0 is entering the Station soon to pick up some passengers.
Yes we decided to make a new SBahn-Concept game and as it quite often happens the plan of Mr. XeryusTC won oO. It was great to see a lot of old Nicks in the channel and even on the server: Ammler is back since some days and all of a sudden OwenS is back again too who was already name lost, even at the tt-forums.
It was a quite fun to play with you guys again, I hope we can continue it tomorrow. 🙂

Sandbox Server online again!

Hello out there,

after some hard work, Osai managed to put the Sandbox back online. The current revision is 8979 and we use a bunch of new GRFs. Have a look at this page for further details.

Be aware that this new set of GRFs are only partly “activated”. The improved system of OpenTTD manages to activate needed GRFs automatically. You just need to ensure that you place the zipp’ed GRFs into your /bin/data folder. Another very important feature is that GRF-information are now stored directly in a savegame.

A new Sandbox Game will definitely take part later this evening, feel free to join in!

Sandbox Server Still Offline

I have some bad news tonight,
the Sandbox Server remains still off-line as we have some technical problems with loading the newgrfs, somehow it does not work as it should. I am not sure whether this is a problem of the nightly build (r8979), the grfs or even something completely different.
We will continue our work tomorrow and I hope the Server will be back again.

But also some good news yet to come:
The new NewGrf package is packed full of awesome grf-files and the new game on the sandbox will start with JapanSet and some other stuff. All of you are invited to give it a try.
The Package includes some more files not needed for the next sandbox game, but since the newgrf handling of ottd became really smooth it is no problem at all.

Good Night Folks and please Stay Tuned