Fading coopetition
Maybe you’ve heard it maybe you haven’t, we should have had a coopetition between The Flying Dutchmen (Ichi and XeryusTC (me)) and the weird german wonder guys (Mucht and Osai). We couldn’t do this coopetition because Ichi was at his parents house and at the afternoon of the coopetition-day he decided to go to his own house again. Ofcourse he was at home again when Mucht was already sleeping. Due to this the coopetition has been extended to this week-end, it could be today, tomorrow or even sunday, but it will be held eventually.
I call everyone to join #coopetition @ OFTC so they can drop their ideas for the ladder at Osai and me. The ladder is getting near completion now and it would be nice to get some user ideas into it.
See you at coop!