#openttdcoop goes teamspeak
Times changing and a lot of things happen these days. Also #openttdcoop is heavily active. Tonight we did a Skype Session: five people in one conference, too much problems with Linux, Mic’s and Bandwith. After some searchings we have choosen Teamspeak as our new voice chat application. It’s available for Windows, Linux and Mac Os X (TeamSpeex, check the latest Nightly).
Actually XeryusTC is running our Teamspeak Server:
URL: xeryustc.cjb.net:50005Password: cooptalk
update by Mucht:thx to Jinx, #openttdcoop has a permanent teamspeak server now! For the first time, it will be used for mainserver games and Coopetition games (subchannels were created for that).Due to several reasons, the adress and passwords will not posted in public – just join in our channel and ask a member for the contact – you’ll be messaged with all you need!
Will be teamspeak available for Sandbox, too?
that depends. i might open it up for SB and see how it goes. as long as it wont be abused it will be ok.